Orthodontics – Crown Extensions or Inclined Plane

We typically perform orthodontic procedures in young patients during or just after the eruption of their permanent teeth. Most often, we use orthodontic treatment to correct the position of traumatically positioned mandibular canine teeth. This procedure is frequently applied to patients with linguoverted (base narrow) canines, where these teeth contact and traumatise the roof of the mouth.


Not every patient with linguoverted canine teeth is suitable for orthodontics. For those who are, orthodontic treatments offer an excellent long-term solution. They generally require less extended follow-up compared to treatments like crown height reduction and vital pulpotomy and are less invasive than extractions. Additionally, these procedures do not alter the size or shape of the teeth, preserving their full form and function. When successful, orthodontics restores your pet’s normal function.

Orthodontic appliances for treating linguoverted mandibular canine teeth apply lateral or labial tipping forces to reposition the misaligned teeth into an atraumatic position within the diastema (space) between the maxillary third incisor and canine teeth. Inclined planes and crown extensions are the most commonly used appliances, fabricated ‘chairside’ and applied directly to the patient’s teeth under anaesthesia.

Crown Extensions

Crown extensions are acrylic or composite materials applied directly to the mandibular canine teeth.

These extensions create a lateral tipping force when the mouth closes, encouraging the mandibular canines to tilt into a more atraumatic position. Proper application of this force can reposition the canines effectively.

Additionally, crown extensions may transfer some force to the maxillary canines, promoting distal movement in cases where the maxillary diastema is slightly narrow.

This makes crown extensions advantageous over inclined planes for certain patients.

Inclined Plane

An inclined plane involves creating an acrylic appliance bonded to the canine and incisor teeth of the upper jaw. Shaped ramps in this acrylic direct the mandibular canine teeth outward when your pet closes its mouth, helping to tip them labially into the correct position within the maxillary diastema.

This method can be sturdier than crown extensions, making it suitable for patients with stronger bite forces, such as Staffies and Bull Terriers.

With an inclined plane in place, patients are more prone to plaque build-up. Increased homecare is essential during this period. Gently brush around the appliance and use a gel or rinse to reduce plaque, bacteria and odour.


Treatment Outcome

Over weeks, the mandibular canines are guided into their proper position, eliminating trauma to the roof of the mouth. Once the teeth are correctly positioned, we remove the appliance under short anaesthesia. Unlike braces, most patients do not need a retainer, as the canine teeth naturally lock into place (canine interlock).

Treatment is generally smooth, but care should be taken to avoid rough mouth play to prevent appliance damage and additional costs. In rare cases where the teeth fail to retain their new position due to insufficient length, a small, more permanent crown extension may be necessary.

Orthodontic Treatment - Crown extensions or Inclined plane?

Orthodontic treatment of mandibular canine teeth can be an excellent choice for suitable patients.

We will determine if this treatment is right for you and your pet through a thorough assessment and discussion of all available options.

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We’re here to help. If you’d like to refer a patient, please call us at 1300 866 848 , complete the referral form or email us with a brief case summary, relevant radiographs and lab results.

For advice and treatment guidance, email us with a brief case summary, relevant radiographs and lab results.


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