Complex Anaesthesia

In Veterinary Dentistry, general anaesthesia is a crucial element of ensuring safe and thorough dental procedures for our patients. While general anaesthesia has become significantly safer over the years, there are instances where certain patients present higher risks due to underlying health conditions. For these complex cases, the involvement of specialized Anaesthetists becomes imperative to enhance safety and tailor anaesthetic protocols to individual needs.

Pre-Anaesthesia Care

  • Medications Prior to Arrival: Some patients benefit from medications administered before arriving at the hospital, promoting relaxation and minimizing the amount of anaesthetic drugs required during the procedure.
  • Individualized Approach: Each patient is assessed individually, taking into account their health history, age, and concurrent medical conditions.

Extended Care Beyond Anaesthesia

  • Recovery Phase: Continuous monitoring during the recovery phase is vital, ensuring a smooth transition from anaesthesia to wakefulness.
  • Collaborative Effort: A dedicated anaesthetic team, comprising nurses, technicians, and veterinarians, works closely with each patient until the moment they are ready to go home.

Increasing Complexity with Age-Related Diseases

  • Impact of Age-Related Diseases: As advancements in veterinary medicine allow pets to live longer with age-related diseases, the prevalence of dental issues in older patients has risen.
  • Dual Health Conditions: Patients with other impactful diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, or renal disease, require a careful balance of anaesthesia due to the potential added risks.

Collaboration with Specialists

  • Veterinary Cardiologists: Patients with heart disease may require input from Veterinary Cardiologists to assess risks and provide insights into the safest approach to anaesthesia.
  • Internal Medicine Specialists: Conditions like renal disease, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, and liver disease may necessitate collaboration with Internal Medicine Specialists to guide preparations and anticipate potential complications.

Common Conditions Impacting Anaesthesia

  1. Heart Disease: Variable impact on anaesthesia; collaboration with Cardiologists helps assess and minimize risks.
  2. Renal (Kidney) Disease: Requires careful monitoring and adjustment of anaesthetic protocols.
  3. Diabetes: Demands specialized attention to blood glucose levels and tailored anaesthesia plans.
  4. Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Disease): Potential complications necessitate detailed preparation and monitoring.
  5. Brachycephalics: Breeds with respiratory issues need specialized anaesthetic approaches.

Complex anaesthesia in Veterinary Dentistry is a multidisciplinary effort, involving Anaesthetists, Cardiologists, and Internal Medicine Specialists. The collaborative approach ensures that even high-risk patients receive optimal care, making dental procedures feasible and safe for pets with various health conditions. The commitment to individualized care and continuous advancements in anaesthetic practices contribute to the overall well-being of our furry companions undergoing dental treatments.